Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Weekly Reflection #2

This week Avery and I completed one of our major goals in our senior project, we fundraised for the horse therapy program on the Rosebud Reservation. We did this by running a game of assassin or splash. We sent out emails and made an assembly announcement about the game and what it was raising money for. On Monday and Tuesday we sat at lunch collecting donations and signing people up for splash. I highly encourage anyone who is fundraising next to run this game because it was a huge success. I really enjoyed this week because I felt like we really made a difference in someone else's life. It was great to see how the Proctor community came together to make a change in someone else's life. On multiple occasions, people who did not want to participate in SPLASH, still donated money which I thought was really admirable.

On Wednesday, the start of the game, we woke up early and sent out an email to each participant explaining the rules and giving them there targets. Thursday and Friday were planning days for next week, but in the afternoon on Friday we went to Hanover, NH to go see a Native American museum there. The museum was a little bit of a disappointment, considering the one we intended on going to was closed due to construction. The other one we went to didn't give a lot of information about native americans, rather their artwork instead.

This week we learned about time management and also the power of fun when it comes to fundraising. SPLASH was so successful because people thought it was fun. The participants enjoyed the game, therefore, they gave more money. Overall, we made 300.00 dollars for the therapy program. Which I think is awesome. We debated playing another game of splash to raise more money but decided against it because the first game is still going on and we probably wouldn't have a winner if we played again.

One thing that went well this week was splash, and one thing that could've gone better is our time management. Next week, we plan to get in touch with he alums and present to assembly about the things we have learned.

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