Sunday, May 22, 2016

Senior Project Day 14

Today, (Wednesday) Avery and I continued responding/contacting to the Native American alum. 4 our of the 7 responded back quickly asking for more details on our project. We plan on creating a google doc to put all of the alum's responses in and then we plan on sharing this doc with admission, Lori, etc. in hope that they can use this information to strengthen the connection between Proctor and Native Americans. A common response to the question What did you get most out of Proctor? was confidence and I wanted to highlight that. Avery an dI reached out to Tucker Prudden and we will be presenting our presentation on the connection between Proctor and Native Americans on Friday, after the awards. We spend the remainder of the day planning what we would say, and also starting our final project we would present next week.

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