Friday, May 6, 2016

Senior Project Day 4

Today Avery and I decided that for our fundraiser we would have the school play the game splash or assassin. In order to play the game and have your name on the list, there is a five dollar admission fee. We will be donating the money we make to the Therapy Horse Program that JR's mother runs. If you would like to learn more about this therapy program, here is the website The game of splash is played when you get a name of someone else playing splash and you have to splash them with water, once you splash them with water they are out and you get the person then you get the name of the person they were trying to splash and so on until there is a single winner. Avery and I also reached out to Patty Pond and Annie MacKenzie to get a list of past Native American alums we can contact. Avery and I have also been watching Dances With Wolves. I have already seen the movie, but Avery hasn't and it is fun to see her reactions and thoughts throughout the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Go, Annie! I'm so psyched w/ the work you & Avery are doing, and I know past MTCLRM students have visited & worked at the equine therapy site. Your work strengthening the Proctor/Rosebud relationship is important! peter s.
